

Puffery Jonathan Poland

Puffery refers to exaggerated or overstated claims in marketing communications. It is a legal concept that acknowledges that customers expect some level of exaggeration in sales and marketing materials, such as advertisements. Puffery is considered a type of “puff” or boast, and it is not intended to be taken literally. If a salesperson claims that a product is the “fastest” or the “best,” a reasonable customer would not expect this statement to be completely factual. Puffery is allowed in marketing as long as it does not rise to the level of false or deceptive advertising.

Some examples of puffery include statements like “the best product on the market,” “the most luxurious experience,” or “the strongest and most durable.” These statements are exaggerated and not meant to be taken literally, but they are intended to create a positive impression of the product or service being marketed. Other examples of puffery include slogans, taglines, and jingles that are designed to be memorable and appealing, but not necessarily factual.

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Strategy 101 Jonathan Poland

Strategy 101

Business strategy is the set of actions and decisions that a business takes in order to achieve its goals and…

Product Features Jonathan Poland

Product Features

A product feature is a characteristic or aspect of a product that contributes to its overall functionality and performance. Product…

Competitor Analysis Jonathan Poland

Competitor Analysis

Competitor analysis is the process of gathering and analyzing information about competitors in a market in order to understand their…

Examples of Competency Jonathan Poland

Examples of Competency

Competencies are the various traits and capabilities that enable an individual or organization to be effective and successful. These may…

What is a Persona? Jonathan Poland

What is a Persona?

Personas are fictional characters that businesses use to represent and model the characteristics, goals, needs, behaviors, and emotions of their…

Sales and Operations Planning Jonathan Poland

Sales and Operations Planning

Sales and operations planning (S&OP) is a process used by companies to effectively align their sales plans with their operational…

Product Durability Jonathan Poland

Product Durability

A durable product, often referred to as a durable good, is a product that does not quickly wear out or,…

Real Estate Investing Jonathan Poland

Real Estate Investing

Real estate investing refers to the process of buying, owning, managing, and selling real estate properties for the purpose of…

What is Jevons Effect? Jonathan Poland

What is Jevons Effect?

Jevons paradox, also known as the Jevons effect, is a phenomenon in which an increase in the efficiency of resource…

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business, finance, and capital markets.

What is an Intermediary? Jonathan Poland

What is an Intermediary?

An intermediary is a person or organization that acts as a go-between or intermediary for two or more parties in…

What is Big Data? Jonathan Poland

What is Big Data?

Big data refers to extremely large and complex datasets that are difficult to process using traditional data processing tools. These…

Lifecycle Cost Analysis Jonathan Poland

Lifecycle Cost Analysis

Lifecycle cost analysis is a tool used to evaluate the total cost of owning and operating a product, system, or…

Economic Advantage Jonathan Poland

Economic Advantage

A competitive advantage is a feature or characteristic that allows a company to perform better than its competitors in a…

Brand Awareness Jonathan Poland

Brand Awareness

Brand awareness refers to the extent to which consumers are familiar with and able to recognize a brand. It is…

Feedback Loop Jonathan Poland

Feedback Loop

A feedback loop is a process in which the output of a system is used as input to adjust the…

Innovation Risk Jonathan Poland

Innovation Risk

Innovation is a proactive approach to business and design that aims to make significant improvements, rather than simply making incremental…

Value of Offerings Jonathan Poland

Value of Offerings

Value is a concept that refers to the usefulness, worth, and importance that customers assign to products and services. This…

Go-To-Market Strategy Jonathan Poland

Go-To-Market Strategy

A go-to-market strategy is a plan that outlines how a business will introduce its products or services to the market…