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Business Scale

Business scale refers to the impact that a company’s size has on…

Product Identity

Product identity refers to the overall personality or character of a product.…

Abundance Mentality

Abundance mentality is the belief that there is enough for everyone and…

Origin of Money

Money is a type of asset or object that is widely accepted…

Curiosity Drive

Curiosity drive, or the desire to obtain new information, is a fundamental…

Management Principles

Management principles are fundamental guidelines or ideas that are adopted by an…

What Is Management?

Management is the process of overseeing and coordinating the activities of an…

Good Failure

Good failure, also known as productive failure, refers to the idea that…

Creative Ability

Creative ability is the talent or aptitude for creating ideas or products…

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Brand Perception Jonathan Poland

Brand Perception

Brand perception refers to the way that a brand is perceived by its target audience. It’s important for companies to…

Premium Pricing Jonathan Poland

Premium Pricing

Premium pricing is a pricing strategy in which a company charges a high price for its products or services in…

Complexity Cost Jonathan Poland

Complexity Cost

Complexity cost is the cost associated with making something more complex. Complexity can have a range of costs, including increased…

Production Management Jonathan Poland

Production Management

Production management is the process of planning, organizing, and controlling the production of goods or services. It involves coordinating the…

Customer Service Jonathan Poland

Customer Service

Customer service is the practice of providing support, assistance, and guidance to customers before, during, and after a purchase. This…

Market Failure Jonathan Poland

Market Failure

Market failure is a situation in which the market does not produce optimal outcomes for society as a whole. It…

Middlemen Jonathan Poland


A middleman is a person or organization that acts as an intermediary between a producer and a consumer. In a…

Division of Labor Jonathan Poland

Division of Labor

The process of dividing work into specific roles, tasks, and steps is known as division of labor. This allows individuals…

What is Avoidance? Jonathan Poland

What is Avoidance?

Avoidance is the act of avoiding something that one finds unpleasant or inconvenient. This can involve a variety of different…

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Search over 1,000 posts on topics across
business, finance, and capital markets.

Customer Avatar Jonathan Poland

Customer Avatar

A customer avatar, also known as an ideal customer profile, is a detailed description of the specific type of customer…

Good Customer Service Jonathan Poland

Good Customer Service

Good customer service is a service experience that goes above and beyond to meet the needs and expectations of customers,…

Team Management Jonathan Poland

Team Management

Team management involves directing and controlling an organizational unit. Some common team management functions include setting goals and objectives, assigning…

Political Risk Jonathan Poland

Political Risk

Political risk refers to the potential for losses or other negative impacts on an organization as a result of changes…

Praxeology Jonathan Poland


Praxeology is the study of human action, particularly as it pertains to decision-making and the pursuit of goals. The term…

Examples of Competency Jonathan Poland

Examples of Competency

Competencies are the various traits and capabilities that enable an individual or organization to be effective and successful. These may…

Companies Likely to Aquire Federal Funding 150 150 Jonathan Poland

Companies Likely to Aquire Federal Funding

While the specific industries receiving federal funding can vary depending on the country and its government priorities, there are several…

Dynamic Pricing Jonathan Poland

Dynamic Pricing

Dynamic pricing refers to the practice of changing prices in real time in response to changes in market conditions or…

Audience Analysis Jonathan Poland

Audience Analysis

Audience analysis is the process of studying and understanding the characteristics of a target audience. This is often done in…