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Market Saturation

Market saturation refers to a state in which a particular market is…

Creative Services

Creative services refer to a range of services that involve the use…

Early Adopters

Early adopters are individuals who quickly adopt an innovation. Marketing and selling…

Adoption Rate

Adoption rate refers to the speed at which users begin to utilize…

Adoption Lifecycle

The adoption lifecycle refers to the process by which customers adopt and…

Business Transformation

Business transformation is the process of fundamentally changing the way an organization…

Change Strategy

Change strategy is the process of planning and implementing change within an…

Change Driver

A change driver is a force or factor that initiates or drives…

Brand Objectives

Brand objectives refer to the specific goals that a brand is working…

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Product Knowledge Jonathan Poland

Product Knowledge

Product knowledge refers to the ability to effectively communicate information and answer questions about a product or service. This knowledge…

Rental Lease 101 Jonathan Poland

Rental Lease 101

In general, a rental lease is a contract between a landlord and a tenant that outlines the terms and conditions…

Brand Concept Jonathan Poland

Brand Concept

A brand concept is the overarching idea or meaning that lies at the heart of a brand. It is the…

Attribution Marketing Jonathan Poland

Attribution Marketing

Attribution marketing is the practice of identifying and analyzing the key events or actions that contribute to customer purchases or…

Contract Risk Jonathan Poland

Contract Risk

Contract risk refers to the potential negative consequences that a business may face as a result of issues or problems…

Mission Statement Jonathan Poland

Mission Statement

A mission statement is a statement of purpose that defines the goals and values of an organization. It is a…

Product 101 Jonathan Poland

Product 101

A product is an item that is offered for sale. It can be a tangible good, such as a car…

Employee Development Jonathan Poland

Employee Development

Employee development is the process of providing employees with learning and experience opportunities that support their career aspirations and the…

Over-positioning Jonathan Poland


Over-positioning refers to the practice of positioning a brand in a way that is too narrow or limited, potentially limiting…

Content Database

Search over 1,000 posts on topics across
business, finance, and capital markets.

Cognitive Abilities Jonathan Poland

Cognitive Abilities

Cognitive abilities refer to the mental processes that allow individuals to acquire, retain, and use knowledge. They are foundational types…

SWOT Analysis 101 Jonathan Poland

SWOT Analysis 101

SWOT analysis is a tool that is used to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of a business or…

Brand Analysis Jonathan Poland

Brand Analysis

Brand analysis is the process of systematically and thoroughly examining a brand in order to develop strategies, plans, evaluations, metrics,…

Comparative Risk Jonathan Poland

Comparative Risk

Comparative risk is a method of evaluating and comparing the potential impacts and likelihood of different risks. It is used…

Market Penetration Jonathan Poland

Market Penetration

Market penetration refers to the process of increasing the market share of a company’s existing products or services within a…

Industrial Internet of Things Jonathan Poland

Industrial Internet of Things

Industrial IoT describes the ecosystem of devices, sensors, applications, and associated networking equipment that work together to collect, monitor, and analyze data across industrial operations.

Infrastructure Risk Jonathan Poland

Infrastructure Risk

Infrastructure risk refers to the potential negative consequences that a business may face as a result of failures in core…

Soft Launch Jonathan Poland

Soft Launch

A soft launch is a product launch that is limited in scope, such as a release to a small group…

Hyperinflation Jonathan Poland


Hyperinflation is a situation in which there is a rapid and significant increase in the price of goods and services,…