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Economic Moat

An economic moat is a concept in business strategy that refers to…

Decision Automation

Decision automation refers to the use of technology to automate the process…

IT Architecture

An IT architecture is a framework that describes the components of an…

Autonomous System

An autonomous system is a system that is capable of functioning independently,…

Technological Change

Technological change refers to the development and adoption of new technologies and…

Economic Change

Economic change refers to shifts in economic conditions, such as changes in…

Creative Destruction

Creative destruction is a process in which new, innovative ideas and technologies…

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Lead Generation Jonathan Poland

Lead Generation

Lead generation is the process of identifying and attracting potential customers for a business. This is typically the first step…

Value Proposition Jonathan Poland

Value Proposition

A value proposition is a statement that explains the unique value that a company offers to its customers. It is…

Sales Management Jonathan Poland

Sales Management

Sales management is the process of overseeing and directing an organization’s sales team. It involves setting sales goals, analyzing data,…

Long Tail Model Jonathan Poland

Long Tail Model

The long tail refers to a business model that allows a large number of niche products or services to be…

Best Industries for Selling B2G 150 150 Jonathan Poland

Best Industries for Selling B2G

The best industries for companies that want to acquire a government contract or grant are those that are aligned with…

Data Architecture Jonathan Poland

Data Architecture

Data architecture refers to the principles, structures, standards, controls, models, transformations, interfaces, and technologies that define how data is stored,…

Marketing Technologies Jonathan Poland

Marketing Technologies

Marketing technology, or “martech,” refers to the tools and software used to support marketing efforts, such as advertising, brand management,…

Beautiful Words Jonathan Poland

Beautiful Words

Beautiful words are words that have a mysterious, wondrous, or charming quality. They can also have a dark or conflicted…

IT Architecture Jonathan Poland

IT Architecture

An IT architecture is a framework that describes the components of an information technology (IT) system, how they work together,…

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Search over 1,000 posts on topics across
business, finance, and capital markets.

Travel Expenses Jonathan Poland

Travel Expenses

Travel expenses refer to the costs associated with traveling for business purposes. This can include expenses such as airfare, hotel…

Feasibility Analysis Jonathan Poland

Feasibility Analysis

Feasibility analysis is the process of evaluating the potential of a proposed project or system to determine whether it is…

Lobbying vs Government Contracts 150 150 Jonathan Poland

Lobbying vs Government Contracts

A government contract and lobbying the government are two distinct activities within the realm of government and private sector interactions.…

Bargaining Power Jonathan Poland

Bargaining Power

Bargaining power is a concept in negotiation theory that refers to the relative ability of parties to influence each other…

Productivity Rate Jonathan Poland

Productivity Rate

Productivity rate is a measure of the efficiency with which a company or organization produces goods or services. It is…

Boss Archetypes Jonathan Poland

Boss Archetypes

A boss is a person who manages and oversees the work of an organization, department, or team. The term “boss”…

Fixed Assets Jonathan Poland

Fixed Assets

Fixed assets are long-term physical resources that are used in a business to produce goods or services. They are also…

Recursive Self-improvement Jonathan Poland

Recursive Self-improvement

Recursive self-improvement refers to software that is able to write its own code and improve itself in a repeated cycle…

Brand Loyalty Jonathan Poland

Brand Loyalty

Brand loyalty refers to the degree to which a consumer consistently prefers one brand over others in a particular product…