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Marketing Metrics

Marketing metrics are a way to evaluate the success of marketing efforts…

Figure of Merit

A figure of merit (FOM) is a value used to evaluate the…

Competitive Advantage

Competitive advantage refers to the unique advantages that a firm possesses over…


Persistence is the ability to maintain motivation and effort over a prolonged…

Penetration Pricing

Penetration pricing is a pricing strategy in which a company initially sets…

Personal Data

Personal data is any information that can be used to identify an…

Physical Capital

Physical capital refers to the tangible assets that are used to produce…

Customer Avatar

A customer avatar, also known as an ideal customer profile, is a…

Sales Development

Sales development is a crucial part of the sales process that involves…

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Business Process Reengineering Jonathan Poland

Business Process Reengineering

Business process reengineering, or BPR, involves examining and redesigning current business processes and workflows to achieve greater efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and…

Analytics Jonathan Poland


Analytics is the practice of analyzing data in order to draw insights and inform business decisions. This can include analyzing…

Aftermarket Jonathan Poland


The aftermarket refers to the market for products and services that are used to upgrade, customize, repair, or maintain durable…

Exit Planning 150 150 Jonathan Poland

Exit Planning

Exit planning is a comprehensive strategy for business owners to transition out of their company on their terms. It involves…

Puffery Jonathan Poland


Puffery refers to exaggerated or overstated claims in marketing communications. It is a legal concept that acknowledges that customers expect…

Legal Risk Jonathan Poland

Legal Risk

Legal risk is the risk of financial loss or other negative consequences that may arise from legal action or non-compliance…

Business Cluster Jonathan Poland

Business Cluster

A business cluster is a geographic region that is home to a concentration of companies in a particular industry, and…

Factor Market Jonathan Poland

Factor Market

The factor market, also known as the input market, is the market where the factors of production are bought and…

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Search over 1,000 posts on topics across
business, finance, and capital markets.

Cost Advantage Jonathan Poland

Cost Advantage

A cost advantage refers to the ability of a company to produce a product or offer a service at a…

User Story Jonathan Poland

User Story

A user story is a concise description of a specific expectation or need that a user has for a product,…

Employee Goals Jonathan Poland

Employee Goals

Employee goals are specific targets or objectives that are set for an individual employee in order to align their work…

Customer Dissatisfaction Jonathan Poland

Customer Dissatisfaction

Customer dissatisfaction refers to a customer’s negative evaluation of a product or service. It can be measured by asking customers…

Marketing Theories Jonathan Poland

Marketing Theories

Marketing is the process of identifying customer needs and developing strategies to meet those needs. This involves conducting market research,…

Team Leadership Jonathan Poland

Team Leadership

Team leadership involves guiding and representing a team, using influence rather than authority. In many cases, a team leader is…

Business Management Jonathan Poland

Business Management

Business management is the process of overseeing and running a business or organization. This involves a wide range of activities,…

Deal Desk Jonathan Poland

Deal Desk

A deal desk is a team that is responsible for managing the sales proposal, negotiation, and contract process with customers.…

Scarcity Marketing Jonathan Poland

Scarcity Marketing

Scarcity marketing is a strategy that involves creating a perception of limited availability for a product or service. This strategy…