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What is Leadership?

In the modern business world, where rapid changes, technological advancements, and global…

Capability Analysis

Capability analysis is the process of evaluating the capabilities of an organization,…

Economic Advantage

A competitive advantage is a feature or characteristic that allows a company…

Business Cluster

A business cluster is a geographic region that is home to a…

Cost Advantage

A cost advantage refers to the ability of a company to produce…

First-mover Advantage

First-mover advantage refers to the competitive advantage that a company can gain…

Time To Market

Time to market is an important metric for businesses because it can…

Promotion Strategies

Promotion strategies are communication techniques that aim to sell a product, service…

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What is Avoidance? Jonathan Poland

What is Avoidance?

Avoidance is the act of avoiding something that one finds unpleasant or inconvenient. This can involve a variety of different…

Risk Management Process Jonathan Poland

Risk Management Process

Risk management is the practice of identifying and mitigating potential risks that could result in financial losses or other negative…

Customer Service Jonathan Poland

Customer Service

Customer service is the practice of providing support, assistance, and guidance to customers before, during, and after a purchase. This…

Onboarding Jonathan Poland


Onboarding is the process of introducing a new employee to an organization and providing them with the necessary tools, resources,…

Relational Capital Jonathan Poland

Relational Capital

Relational capital refers to the value that a company derives from its relationships with stakeholders, such as customers, employees, suppliers,…

Political Risk Jonathan Poland

Political Risk

Political risk refers to the potential for losses or other negative impacts on an organization as a result of changes…

What is Price Stability? Jonathan Poland

What is Price Stability?

Price stability refers to the maintenance of relatively stable prices over time. This is typically measured by the rate of…

Brand Status Jonathan Poland

Brand Status

Brand status refers to the social standing that is associated with a particular brand. Customers may use brands as a…

Demand Risk Jonathan Poland

Demand Risk

Demand risk refers to the possibility of experiencing financial loss or other negative consequences due to a discrepancy between the…

Content Database

Search over 1,000 posts on topics across
business, finance, and capital markets.

Change Resistance Jonathan Poland

Change Resistance

Change resistance is the act of derailing, slowing down, or preventing a change that is underway. This can often cause…

Onboarding Jonathan Poland


Onboarding is the process of introducing a new employee to an organization and providing them with the necessary tools, resources,…

Interest Rate Risk Jonathan Poland

Interest Rate Risk

Interest rate risk is the risk that changes in interest rates will negatively impact the value of an investment or…

Product Launch Jonathan Poland

Product Launch

Product launch refers to the introduction of a new or updated product to a specific market. This is an important…

Action Plan Jonathan Poland

Action Plan

An action plan is a detailed strategy that outlines the steps and resources needed to achieve a specific goal. It…

Direct Marketing Jonathan Poland

Direct Marketing

Direct marketing is a type of marketing that involves communicating directly with potential customers in order to generate a response…

Business Objectives Jonathan Poland

Business Objectives

Business objectives are specific targets or goals that an organization, team, or individual strives to achieve within a certain time…

Customer Analysis Jonathan Poland

Customer Analysis

Customer analysis involves systematically examining and understanding the characteristics, needs, motivations, and decision-making processes of a target market. This process…

Brand Awareness Jonathan Poland

Brand Awareness

Brand awareness refers to the extent to which consumers are familiar with and able to recognize a brand. It is…