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Retail Automation

Retail automation refers to the use of technology to automate and streamline…

Long Tail Model

The long tail refers to a business model that allows a large…

Latent Need

A latent need is a customer need that is not currently being…

Sustainable Design

Designing for sustainability involves creating products, services, and processes that minimize environmental…


A prototype is a preliminary version of something that is used to…

Soft Launch

A soft launch is a product launch that is limited in scope,…

Early Adopters

Early adopters are individuals who quickly adopt an innovation. Marketing and selling…

Adoption Rate

Adoption rate refers to the speed at which users begin to utilize…

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Sales and Operations Planning Jonathan Poland

Sales and Operations Planning

Sales and operations planning (S&OP) is a process used by companies to effectively align their sales plans with their operational…

Project Management Skills Jonathan Poland

Project Management Skills

Project management skills are a combination of talents, knowledge, and experience that enable an individual to effectively plan and execute…

Sales Management Jonathan Poland

Sales Management

Sales management is the process of overseeing and directing an organization’s sales team. It involves setting sales goals, analyzing data,…

Brand Switching Jonathan Poland

Brand Switching

Brand switching refers to the act of a customer switching from a brand that they were previously loyal to, to…

Competitive Threats Jonathan Poland

Competitive Threats

A competitive threat is a potential source of competition that has not yet materialized, but has the potential to do…

What is Air Gap? Jonathan Poland

What is Air Gap?

An air gap is a computer network that is physically isolated from other networks, including the internet. This isolation is…

Cause and Effect Jonathan Poland

Cause and Effect

Cause and effect is a concept that refers to the relationship between an event (the cause) and a subsequent result…

Small Business Jonathan Poland

Small Business

A small business is a privately owned and operated company with a small number of employees and relatively low volume…

Management by Exception Jonathan Poland

Management by Exception

Management by exception is a management technique that involves automating standard processes and empowering teams to handle routine business conditions.…

Content Database

Search over 1,000 posts on topics across
business, finance, and capital markets.

Labor Productivity Jonathan Poland

Labor Productivity

Labor productivity is a measure of the efficiency with which labor is used to produce goods and services. It is…

Premium Pricing Jonathan Poland

Premium Pricing

Premium pricing is a pricing strategy in which a company charges a high price for its products or services in…

Organization 101 Jonathan Poland

Organization 101

A business organization is a group of individuals or entities that come together to pursue a common business goal or…

Business Cluster Jonathan Poland

Business Cluster

A business cluster is a geographic region that is home to a concentration of companies in a particular industry, and…

Algorithms Jonathan Poland


An algorithm is a set of instructions or rules that are followed to solve a problem or accomplish a task.…

Customer Journey Jonathan Poland

Customer Journey

A customer journey is the experience that a customer has with a company or brand over time, from their perspective.…

Customer Satisfaction Jonathan Poland

Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is the practice of measuring how happy customers are with a brand’s products and services. This is typically…

Product Rationalization Jonathan Poland

Product Rationalization

Product rationalization is the process of reviewing and optimizing a company’s product portfolio in order to streamline operations and reduce…

Cost Variance Jonathan Poland

Cost Variance

Cost variance (CV) is a project management metric that measures the difference between the budgeted cost of a project and…