Latest Thinking
Market Forces Jonathan Poland

Market Forces

The interaction that shapes a market economy. Market forces are the factors that determine the supply and demand for a…

Market Potential Jonathan Poland

Market Potential

Market potential is the entire size of the market for a product at a specific time. It represents the upper limits of the market for a product. Market potential is usually measured either by sales value or sales volume.

Serviceable Market Jonathan Poland

Serviceable Market

Serviceable market is the part of the total addressable market that can actually be reached.

Strategy 101 Jonathan Poland

Strategy 101

Business strategy is the set of actions and decisions that a business takes in order to achieve its goals and…

Channel Structure Jonathan Poland

Channel Structure

Market penetration is the percentage of a target market that purchased a company’s product or service over a period of time.

Operations 101 Jonathan Poland

Operations 101

Business operations refer to the processes and activities that are involved in the production of goods and services in an…

Operational Efficiency Jonathan Poland

Operational Efficiency

Operational efficiency can be defined as the ratio between the inputs to run a business and the output gained from the business. It is primarily a metric that measures the efficiency of profit earned as a function of operating costs.

Narrative 101 Jonathan Poland

Narrative 101

Sales and marketing are the lifeblood of business and should be integrated into one function to drive business and brand narrative.

Technology 101 Jonathan Poland

Technology 101

Technology is an important component of every business, constantly reshaping entire industries. Keeping pace with new and emerging technology can…

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business, finance, and capital markets.

Brand Strategy Jonathan Poland

Brand Strategy

Brand strategy is the plan that a company has for building and managing its brand over time. It involves defining…

Real Estate Investing Jonathan Poland

Real Estate Investing

Real estate investing refers to the process of buying, owning, managing, and selling real estate properties for the purpose of…

Types of Capital Jonathan Poland

Types of Capital

Capital is an asset that is expected to produce future economic value. It is a productive resource that is used…

Value Pricing Jonathan Poland

Value Pricing

Value pricing is a pricing strategy in which a company sets its prices based on the perceived value that its…

Brand Management Jonathan Poland

Brand Management

Brand management is the process of creating, developing, and managing a brand in order to build brand equity and drive…

Government Contract Timeline 150 150 Jonathan Poland

Government Contract Timeline

A government contract award timeline can vary depending on the specific country, agency, and procurement process in question. In general,…

Production Jonathan Poland


Production is the process of creating goods or services for the purpose of satisfying consumer demand. It involves a range…

Generic Brand Jonathan Poland

Generic Brand

A generic brand is a type of brand that does not have a distinct or unique image. Instead, it is…

What is Cost Overrun? Jonathan Poland

What is Cost Overrun?

A cost overrun occurs when the actual cost of completing a task or project exceeds the budget that was allocated…