Latest Thinking
The Power of Compound Interest Jonathan Poland

The Power of Compound Interest

Traditional finance will explain compound interest as the interest paid on a loan or deposit calculated based on both the…

Time to Volume Jonathan Poland

Time to Volume

Time to volume is a marketing metric that measures the time it takes for a new product to go from concept to launch and reach a significant level of sales or usage.

What is Media? Jonathan Poland

What is Media?

Media refers to the various channels through which information and entertainment can be delivered.

Waste is Food Jonathan Poland

Waste is Food

The concept of “waste is food” is based on the idea that an industrial economy should not produce any waste except for biological nutrients that can be safely returned to the environment.

Progress Trap Jonathan Poland

Progress Trap

A progress trap is a situation where a new technology, which has the potential to improve life, ends up causing harm due to a lack of risk management.

Innovation 101 Jonathan Poland

Innovation 101

Innovation is the process of creating new ideas, products, or processes that add value to a company. This can be…

Vertical Integration Jonathan Poland

Vertical Integration

Vertical integration is when a single company owns multiple levels or all of its supply chain.

Growth Strategy Jonathan Poland

Growth Strategy

A growth strategy is a plan to increase or improve some KPI, like revenue, profit, subscribers, etc.

Innovation Principles Jonathan Poland

Innovation Principles

Innovation principles are guidelines that an organization adopts as a basis for innovation activities. They are typically considered foundational policy…

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business, finance, and capital markets.

Cost Benefit Analysis Jonathan Poland

Cost Benefit Analysis

Cost-benefit analysis (CBA) is a systematic approach to evaluating the costs and benefits of a project, program, or policy to…

Prospecting Jonathan Poland


Sales prospecting is the process of identifying and researching potential customers for a business’s products or services. This typically involves…

What is Knowledge? Jonathan Poland

What is Knowledge?

Knowledge is the understanding, skills, and expertise that humans acquire through experience, education, and research. It can take many forms,…

Analysis Paralysis Jonathan Poland

Analysis Paralysis

Analysis paralysis, also known as “paralysis by analysis,” is a phenomenon that occurs when individuals or groups become so focused…

Algorithmic Pricing Jonathan Poland

Algorithmic Pricing

Algorithmic pricing involves using automation to set prices dynamically based on a variety of factors, such as customer behavior, market…

Adoption Lifecycle Jonathan Poland

Adoption Lifecycle

The adoption lifecycle refers to the process by which customers adopt and become familiar with a new product or technology.…

Lobbying vs Government Contracts 150 150 Jonathan Poland

Lobbying vs Government Contracts

A government contract and lobbying the government are two distinct activities within the realm of government and private sector interactions.…

Daily Goals Jonathan Poland

Daily Goals

Daily goals are targets that you set for yourself to achieve on a particular day. These can include habits that…

Strategic Partnership Jonathan Poland

Strategic Partnership

A strategic partnership is a relationship between two or more organizations that is characterized by mutual cooperation and the sharing…