Latest Thinking
What Is Analysis? Jonathan Poland

What Is Analysis?

Analysis is the process of breaking something down into its component parts in order to better understand it. This is…

Agile Change Management Jonathan Poland

Agile Change Management

Agile change management is the practice of leading continuous delivery processes in which changes are shipped within weeks. This approach…

Managing Expectations Jonathan Poland

Managing Expectations

Managing expectations is the practice of communicating information to prevent gaps between stakeholder perceptions and business realities. It is common…

User Intent Jonathan Poland

User Intent

User intent refers to the goal or objective that a person has in mind at a given moment. Modeling user…

What is Globalization? Jonathan Poland

What is Globalization?

Globalization refers to the increasing interconnectedness and interdependence of the world’s economies, cultures, and populations, brought about by advances in…

Is Greed Good? Jonathan Poland

Is Greed Good?

Greed is good is a paraphrased quote that originates with the 1987 film Wall Street. It is important to note…

Life Skills Jonathan Poland

Life Skills

Life skills are essential abilities that enable individuals to navigate the complexities of daily life and achieve their goals. These…

Real Estate Investing Jonathan Poland

Real Estate Investing

Real estate investing refers to the process of buying, owning, managing, and selling real estate properties for the purpose of…

Decision Tree Jonathan Poland

Decision Tree

A decision tree is a graphical representation of a decision-making process. It is a flowchart-like structure that shows the various…

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business, finance, and capital markets.

First-mover Advantage Jonathan Poland

First-mover Advantage

First-mover advantage refers to the competitive advantage that a company can gain by being the first to enter a new…

Risk Culture Jonathan Poland

Risk Culture

Risk culture refers to the values, attitudes, and behaviors related to risk management that are inherent in the culture of…

Business Model Examples Jonathan Poland

Business Model Examples

A business model is a framework for capturing value. The term is most often applied to organizations who seek to…

Brand Status Jonathan Poland

Brand Status

Brand status refers to the social standing that is associated with a particular brand. Customers may use brands as a…

Professional Skills Jonathan Poland

Professional Skills

Professional skills are a combination of talents, abilities, knowledge, and character traits that are necessary for a person to be…

Managed Services Jonathan Poland

Managed Services

Managed services refer to a range of IT and business services that are outsourced to a third-party provider. These services…

Product Development Jonathan Poland

Product Development

Product development is the process of designing, creating, and launching new products. It typically involves a number of different steps,…

Risk Awareness Jonathan Poland

Risk Awareness

Risk awareness refers to the extent to which people or organizations are aware of risks and the strategies in place…

Value Proposition Jonathan Poland

Value Proposition

A value proposition is a statement that explains the unique value that a company offers to its customers. It is…