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Operating Costs Jonathan Poland

Operating Costs

Operating costs are the expenses that a company incurs in order to generate revenues from its business operations. These costs…

Overhead Costs Jonathan Poland

Overhead Costs

Overhead costs, also known as “indirect costs” or “indirect expenses,” are the costs that a company incurs in order to…

Cost of Capital Jonathan Poland

Cost of Capital

The cost of capital is the required rate of return that a company must earn on its investments in order…

Business Equipment Jonathan Poland

Business Equipment

Business equipment refers to the tools, machines, and other physical assets that a company uses to conduct its operations. This…

Travel Expenses Jonathan Poland

Travel Expenses

Travel expenses refer to the costs associated with traveling for business purposes. This can include expenses such as airfare, hotel…

Capital Improvements Jonathan Poland

Capital Improvements

Capital improvements are investments in new assets or the improvement of existing assets that are intended to provide a long-term…

Fixed Costs Jonathan Poland

Fixed Costs

Fixed costs are expenses that remain constant regardless of changes in a company’s level of production or sales. These costs…

Project Failure Jonathan Poland

Project Failure

A project is considered a failure when it does not meet the expectations of sponsors and other key stakeholders. This…

Lifetime Customer Value Jonathan Poland

Lifetime Customer Value

Lifetime customer value (LCV) is a measure of the total value that a customer will bring to a business over…

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business, finance, and capital markets.

Motivation Jonathan Poland


Motivation is the driving force that inspires people to take action and pursue their goals. It is an important factor…

Customer Requirement Jonathan Poland

Customer Requirement

A customer requirement refers to a specification or need that is expressed by a customer, rather than being generated internally…

What is the Iterative Process? Jonathan Poland

What is the Iterative Process?

An iterative process is a method of working through a problem or project by repeating a series of steps, each…

Deal Desk Jonathan Poland

Deal Desk

A deal desk is a team that is responsible for managing the sales proposal, negotiation, and contract process with customers.…

Recursive Self-improvement Jonathan Poland

Recursive Self-improvement

Recursive self-improvement refers to software that is able to write its own code and improve itself in a repeated cycle…

Serviceable Available Market Jonathan Poland

Serviceable Available Market

The Serviceable Available Market (SAM) is a term used to describe the portion of a market that is capable of…

Data Breach Jonathan Poland

Data Breach

A data breach is a security incident in which sensitive, protected, or confidential data is accessed, disclosed, or stolen. Data…

Bargaining Power Jonathan Poland

Bargaining Power

Bargaining power is a concept in negotiation theory that refers to the relative ability of parties to influence each other…

Talent Development 150 150 Jonathan Poland

Talent Development

Talent development is a critical aspect of organizational growth and improvement, and it focuses on the processes, strategies, and practices…