
Security & Protection Services

The Security and Protection Services industry consists of companies providing a wide range of services aimed at ensuring the safety and security of individuals, assets, and facilities. Key segments include physical security services (such as manned guarding, patrolling, and access control), electronic security systems (including alarms, surveillance, and monitoring), and cybersecurity services to safeguard digital assets and networks. Driven by factors such as rising crime rates, increasing terrorism threats, and growing concerns over cyberattacks, the industry has experienced steady growth. Market players range from large multinational corporations to smaller specialized firms, all striving to deliver effective, customized security solutions to meet the evolving needs of their clients across various sectors, including residential, commercial, industrial, and government.

Top Companies
  • Allegion
  • ADT
  • MSA Safety
  • CompX
  • Brinks Company
  • Vivint Smart Home
  • Brady Corporation
  • Resideo Technologies
  • Verra Mobility
  • Napco Security

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What is a Trade Show? Jonathan Poland

What is a Trade Show?

A trade show is an industry-specific event where businesses in a particular sector showcase their products, services, and innovations to…

Price Economics Jonathan Poland

Price Economics

Price economics, also known as pricing strategy, is the study of how businesses determine the price of their products and…

Marketing Communications Jonathan Poland

Marketing Communications

Marketing communications refers to the various forms of communication that are utilized in order to achieve marketing goals. These channels…

Over Planning Jonathan Poland

Over Planning

Over planning refers to the practice of spending excessive amounts of time planning without implementing any of the plans. This…

Growth Strategy Jonathan Poland

Growth Strategy

A growth strategy is a plan to increase or improve some KPI, like revenue, profit, subscribers, etc.

What is Progress? Jonathan Poland

What is Progress?

Progress is the advancement of positive and lasting change that has a significant impact. It can be challenging to determine…

Target Audience Jonathan Poland

Target Audience

A target audience refers to the specific group of individuals or consumers that a business or organization is trying to…

Recursive Self-improvement Jonathan Poland

Recursive Self-improvement

Recursive self-improvement refers to software that is able to write its own code and improve itself in a repeated cycle…

Abundance Mentality Jonathan Poland

Abundance Mentality

Abundance mentality is the belief that there is enough for everyone, and that abundance, rather than scarcity, should be the…