Project Proposal

Project Proposal

Project Proposal Jonathan Poland

A project proposal is a document that outlines a proposed project and presents it to potential sponsors or stakeholders for approval. It typically includes information about the project’s goals, objectives, budget, timeline, and potential impact. In this report, we will provide a summary of a proposed project and highlight the key elements of the project proposal. A project pitch that may contain the following:

  • Problem Statement: Background of why the project is proposed in terms of the problems it solves.
  • Business Case: A business case is a formal financial analysis that defines the investment required and the anticipated payback.
  • Assumptions: The assumptions that form the basis of your estimates and solution proposal.
  • Constraints: Known constraints on the project.
  • Alternatives: Capture the alternatives that you have considered such as other potential solutions that were discussed. Also discuss the impact of not doing the project as this is always an alternative.
  • Estimates: Initial ballpark estimates of schedule and budget.
  • Risks: Begin the process of identifying project risks.

Overview of the Proposed Project:

The proposed project is a software development project aimed at creating a new online platform for small businesses. The platform will provide tools and resources for managing and growing a business, including financial management, marketing, and customer relationship management.

Goals and Objectives:

The main goal of the project is to provide small businesses with an easy-to-use and affordable platform that helps them manage and grow their businesses. To achieve this goal, the project has the following specific objectives:

  • Develop a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate and use
  • Provide a range of tools and resources for financial management, marketing, and customer relationship management
  • Integrate with popular accounting and CRM software
  • Offer competitive pricing and a scalable subscription model

Budget and Timeline:

The total budget for the project is $500,000, which will cover the cost of development, testing, and deployment. The project is expected to take 18 months to complete, with the following milestones:

  • Month 1-6: Requirements gathering and planning
  • Month 7-12: Development and testing
  • Month 13-18: Deployment and post-launch support


The proposed project has the potential to make a significant impact on small businesses. By providing an affordable and easy-to-use platform for managing and growing a business, we expect to help small businesses increase their efficiency and profitability. Additionally, the project has the potential to create new jobs in the software development industry.


In summary, the proposed project is a software development project aimed at creating a new online platform for small businesses. The project has the potential to make a significant impact on small businesses and create new jobs in the software development industry. The project has a budget of $500,000 and a timeline of 18 months, with specific milestones for requirements gathering, development, and deployment.

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