Knowledge Value

Knowledge Value

Knowledge Value Jonathan Poland

Knowledge value is the value that is derived from knowledge, skills, and information. It can be a measure of the economic, social, or personal value of knowledge and can be influenced by a variety of factors, such as the demand for the knowledge, the rarity or uniqueness of the knowledge, and the value that the knowledge creates for an individual or organization.

In the context of business, knowledge value can be understood as the contribution that knowledge makes to the overall performance and value of an organization. This can include the value of knowledge as a competitive advantage, the value of knowledge in improving efficiency and productivity, and the value of knowledge in developing new products or services.

The value of knowledge can also be understood in terms of its social or personal value. For example, knowledge can have social value if it is used to address social problems or improve the lives of individuals. It can also have personal value if it helps an individual to achieve their goals or improve their personal well-being.

There are several factors that can influence the value of knowledge, including the demand for the knowledge, the rarity or uniqueness of the knowledge, and the value that the knowledge creates for an individual or organization. Additionally, the value of knowledge can be influenced by the context in which it is used, such as the industry or sector in which an organization operates, and the goals and objectives of the individual or organization.

In conclusion, knowledge value is the value that is derived from knowledge, skills, and information. It can be a measure of the economic, social, or personal value of knowledge and can be influenced by a variety of factors, such as the demand for the knowledge, the rarity or uniqueness of the knowledge, and the value that the knowledge creates for an individual or organization. Understanding the value of knowledge is important for individuals and organizations in order to maximize its potential and to make informed decisions about how to use it. The following are common ways to value knowledge.


The cost that was paid to generate the knowledge. For example, the amount you paid employees to develop a document.

Market Value

The estimated market value of knowledge. Currently, the market for knowledge assets isn’t particularly liquid such that it is difficult to benchmark prices accurately.

Economic Value

An estimate of the future impact of knowledge on your revenue and costs.


When one firm acquires another, intangible assets such as brands are accounted for with a concept known as goodwill. This represents the difference between the price of the acquisition and the value of its assets. In cases where knowledge is the primary intangible asset, goodwill is more-or-less the price that was paid for that knowledge. This serves as concrete evidence of the value of knowledge in an industry.

Quality of Life

Knowledge has value to individuals as it may improve their quality of life in a variety of ways. Access to education, information and other knowledge related resources such as museums are valuable to individuals and communities as measured by quality of life.

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