Managed Services

Managed Services

Managed Services Jonathan Poland

Managed services refer to a range of IT and business services that are outsourced to a third-party provider. These services are typically delivered on a subscription basis, and are designed to help organizations manage and maintain their IT infrastructure, business processes, or other operational needs.

Managed services offer a number of benefits to organizations. One of the main benefits is that they allow organizations to offload tasks and responsibilities to a third-party provider, which can help to free up time and resources to focus on core business activities. Managed services can also help to improve efficiency and productivity, as they allow organizations to access specialized expertise and resources on an as-needed basis.

Another benefit of managed services is that they can help to reduce costs. By outsourcing tasks and responsibilities to a third-party provider, organizations can avoid the need to hire and train in-house staff, and can take advantage of economies of scale. Managed services can also help to reduce the risk of IT and business disruptions, as providers typically offer proactive monitoring and maintenance services.

However, managed services can also present challenges, such as the need to carefully evaluate and select a provider, and the need to ensure that the provider is meeting the agreed-upon service level agreements. Bottom line, managed services are a range of IT and business services that are outsourced to a third-party provider on a subscription basis. They offer a number of benefits, such as the ability to free up time and resources, improve efficiency and productivity, and reduce costs. However, they can also present challenges, such as the need to carefully evaluate and select a provider. The following are common types of managed service.

Applications, systems and automation that are fully managed including administration, infrastructure, security and support.

Foundational services such as networks that are managed including processes such as security, capacity management and quality assurance.

Facilities such as offices that are managed including things like security, maintenance, cleaning, kitchen services and administrative processes.

Equipment & Machines
Equipment, devices and machines that are wrapped in management services. For example, an elevator that is sold with a monitoring and maintenance service.

Business Capabilities
Business capabilities that are provided as a service including well defined performance measurements. For example, a business capability such as payroll is commonly outsourced to a managed service.

Business Processes
A business process that is completely or partially run as a managed service. For example, a lead generation and qualification process might make use of multiple managed services with the core process remaining internal.

Groups of related business processes that are outsourced as an operations function. For example, a retail company that outsources its entire supply chain management operations to a service.

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