Brand Concept

Brand Concept

Brand Concept Jonathan Poland

A brand concept is the overarching idea or meaning that lies at the heart of a brand. It is the core message or value that the brand represents, and it is used to give cohesiveness to the brand’s identity. The brand concept is the first thing that a brand wants to come to mind when customers think of the brand. It helps to differentiate the brand from its competitors and gives customers a sense of what the brand stands for. A strong brand concept can drive customer loyalty and increase the perceived value of a brand’s products or services.

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Employee Development

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Algorithms Jonathan Poland


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Security Controls Jonathan Poland

Security Controls

IT security controls are measures that are implemented in order to reduce security risks. These controls may be identified through…

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business, finance, and capital markets.

Project Metrics Jonathan Poland

Project Metrics

Project metrics are methods for measuring the progress and performance of a project. They are typically tracked continuously in order…

Design Strategy Jonathan Poland

Design Strategy

A design strategy is a high-level plan that guides the overall approach to a design. It outlines the goals, principles,…

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A cost leadership strategy is a business plan that aims to reduce unit costs for a product or service to…

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Types of Revolution

A revolution is a sudden and significant change to the structure and foundations of a society, often involving conflict and…

Operations Plan Jonathan Poland

Operations Plan

An operations plan is a document that outlines the steps a business will take to establish, improve, or expand its…

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Perceived Value

Perceived value is the subjective worth that a customer assigns to a product or service based on their own personal…

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What is an Exit Interview?

An exit interview is a formal meeting or conversation that takes place when an employee is leaving an organization, regardless…

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What is Air Gap?

An air gap is a computer network that is physically isolated from other networks, including the internet. This isolation is…

Ingredient Branding Jonathan Poland

Ingredient Branding

Ingredient branding, also known as component branding or parts branding, is a marketing strategy that focuses on promoting the individual…