What is Marketability?

What is Marketability?

What is Marketability? Jonathan Poland

The marketability of a brand, product, or service refers to its competitiveness within a market. It is the likelihood that a product will sell and the risk that it will not be successful. In other words, marketability is a measure of the potential for a product to be successful in a particular market. The following are common types of marketability.

Cost & Price
The ability to offer a reasonable price and make a profit at that level. In a commodity industry, prices are set by the market and a higher cost base is a significant competitive disadvantage. Premium products compete on price relative to perceived quality.

Customer Needs
A product that customers will be motivated to buy because it fulfills needs.

Functionality & Performance
Competitive features and performance relative to other products on the market. An innovative or niche product may offer features that are unique. In some cases, a lack of features can be an advantage if customer needs and preferences are served.

The value of your offerings to customers including factors such as reliability, durability, usability, customer experience and design.

The ability to reach customers to sell to them and deliver your products and services.

Reputation & Recognition
The ability to establish a reputation and/or brand recognition in a crowded market.

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