Media Infrastructure

Media Infrastructure

Media Infrastructure Jonathan Poland

Media infrastructure refers to the technologies, services, facilities, and outlets that are essential for the communication of information, opinions, and expressions. These include things like telecommunication networks, broadcast facilities, and printing presses, as well as the various media outlets that make use of these technologies, such as newspapers, television stations, and social media platforms. The media infrastructure plays a critical role in enabling the free flow of information and ideas, and is essential for the functioning of modern societies. By understanding the media infrastructure, we can gain insight into the ways in which information is disseminated and consumed, and can work to ensure that these technologies and outlets are used in responsible and ethical ways. The following are common examples.

Data and communication networks such as the internet or 5G mobile networks.

Last Mile
Last mile is the infrastructure required to deliver media to the consumer’s door such as an internet connection, newspaper delivery or cable TV service.

IT Platforms
Generally speaking, digital media runs on a variety of IT platforms such as a cloud infrastructure service or a content management platform.

IT and media related facilities such as a data center, broadcasting center, newsroom or modern printing press.

Game Platforms
Platforms for creating games and other virtual or mixed reality media.

Software that is used by end-users such as mobile apps for news, streaming media or games.

Broadcast Media
Media that flows from a single source to a large audience such as television networks, newspapers and radio stations.

Social Media
Platforms that allow anyone to publish media to the world such as a video sharing website and app.

Search & Discovery
Tools of media discovery such as a search engine or content aggregation service.

Streaming Media
Services that provide media on-demand to mobile and home devices.

Production Tools
Tools of media production such as a video editing platform.

Organizations and facilities that produce film, television, music, games and other media.

Facilities and services that distribute media such as a movie theatre.

Event Infrastructure
Infrastructure that is used to produce and deliver media events such as a concert or conference that communicates to large audiences. For example, a concert hall.

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