Personal Data

Personal Data

Personal Data Jonathan Poland

Personal data is any information that can be used to identify an individual, including their name, date of birth, address, phone number, email address, and financial information. In today’s digital world, personal data is often collected and stored by various organizations, such as employers, schools, and online companies. It is important for individuals to be aware of how their personal data is being collected and used, and to take steps to protect it from unauthorized access or misuse. This can include being cautious about sharing personal information online, using strong passwords, and regularly checking for unauthorized access to accounts. The following are illustrative examples of personal data.

Numbers and strings that can be used to unambiguously identify a person. Often used to unify a large collection of personal data. For example, technology companies commonly use a mobile phone number as a key in databases that may contain large amounts of personal data from multiple sources. For instance, a persons name isn’t guaranteed to be unique but a name in combination with one other piece of data is typically unique. For example, name + address is usually unique.

  • Account Number
  • Credit Card Number
  • Customer Id
  • Employee Id
  • Government Id
  • Loyalty Card Number
  • Mobile Phone Number
  • Name + Address
  • Serial Number of Personal Device
  • Tracking Id

Data that describes basic elements of your identity.

  • Address
  • Age
  • Date of Birth
  • Disability Status
  • Education
  • Ethnicity
  • Family Tree
  • Gender
  • Height
  • Memberships
  • Name
  • Nationality
  • Physical Descriptions (e.g. Eye Color)
  • Profession
  • Race
  • Religion
  • Residential Status
  • Sexual Orientation
  • Veteran Status
  • Work History

Information about your body that can be used to identify you. For example, a hash code generated from your fingerprint that can be used to unambiguously identify you. This has unusual privacy implications because you leave your fingerprints on anything you touch such that it maps to your historical location.

  • DNA
  • Face Images
  • Fingerprints
  • Gait
  • Handwriting
  • Voice Recording

Medical Data
Information that indicates your health status. For example, information about your walking habits or sleeping habits. This is particularly sensitive as health issues may be considered intimate personal information.

  • DNA
  • Family Medical History
  • Health Status
  • Lifestyle (e.g. walking or diet)
  • Medical History
  • Medical Observations
  • Medical Purchases (e.g. over-the-counter medicines)
  • Medical Tests
  • Medical Treatments
  • Temperature Readings
  • Weight

Financial Data
Information about your financial status, behavior or history.

  • Assets
  • Bankruptcies
  • Family Wealth
  • Financial Scores (e.g. Credit Record)
  • Financial Transactions
  • Homeowner Status
  • Salary
  • Wealth

Character & Behavior
Information that indicates your personality, lifestyle and interests.

  • Behavior Tracking
  • Beliefs
  • Contacts
  • Diet Preferences
  • Education Records
  • Employment Records
  • Event Attendance
  • Government Records (e.g. Border Control Data)
  • Hobbies Interests
  • Location (e.g. GPS)
  • Professional Connections
  • Purchase History
  • Social Connections
  • Survey Data
  • User Interface Events

Media & Communications
Personal media and communications such as family photos or phone calls.

  • Artwork Communication
  • Logs & Records
  • Compositions
  • Emails
  • Messages
  • Photos
  • Recordings of Personal Conversations
  • Video Conferencing
  • Videos
  • Voice Communications

Public Surveillance
Personally identifiable information recorded by public surveillance technologies and techniques.

  • Capture of Communications
  • Capture of Media
  • Logs of Communication
  • Logs of Phone Calls
  • Sensor Data
  • Video Recordings
  • Voice Recording
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