Eye Contact as a Skill

Eye Contact as a Skill

Eye Contact as a Skill Jonathan Poland

Eye contact is a fundamental component of communication and a crucial social signal in human interactions. This is why it is considered a soft skill. In most cultures, eye contact is considered an important indicator of engagement and interest in a conversation. When someone makes eye contact with you, it typically means that they are paying attention to you and are interested in what you have to say.

In addition to indicating engagement, eye contact can also provide insights into a person’s thoughts and emotions. Many people believe that they can “read” another person’s thoughts or character by looking into their eyes. As a result, avoiding eye contact is often interpreted as an attempt to hide something or to avoid engaging with others. In crowded situations, such as on trains or buses, people may avoid eye contact by pretending to be absorbed in their phones or other devices, as a way to maintain a sense of privacy and personal space.

Overall, eye contact is an important aspect of communication that can provide valuable information about a person’s engagement and interest in a conversation. While avoiding eye contact can be a signal that someone is not interested in talking, it can also serve as a way to maintain personal space and privacy in crowded environments.

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