Human Capital

Human Capital

Human Capital Jonathan Poland

Human capital refers to the future productive potential of people, which is often difficult to estimate directly. Instead, it is often measured using proxies such as education and health metrics for a population. Unlike traditional forms of capital, such as buildings and machinery, human capital is dynamic and can create or destroy significant value.

Abilities Administrative Capabilities
Agents of Change Aptitude
Artistic Talent Attention to Detail
Capacity for Calculated Risk Taking Capacity for Problem Solving
Charisma Communication Skills
Convergent Thinking Craftspeople
Creative Capacity Creative Visionaries
Credibility Cultural Capital
Cultural Competence Culture Visionaries
Design Thinking Divergent Thinking
Domain Expertise Education
Emotional Intelligence Engineering Prowess
Entrepreneurial Spirit Fluid Intelligence
General Intelligence Hard Skills
Health Honesty & Integrity
Industry Experience Industry Visionaries
Interpersonal Skills Inventive Thinking
Know-how Leadership
Lifestyle Visionaries Literary Talent
Management Competencies Mastery
Objectivity Personal Presence
Personal Resilience Physical Abilities
Political Leadership Professionalism
Rational Thinking Relational Capital
Reliability Research Abilities
Scientific Knowledge Scientific Leadership
Self-Direction Situational Knowledge
Soft Skills Storytellers
Strategic Thinking Systems Thinking
Technical Leadership Technical Skills
Traditional Knowledge Training
Work Ethic
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Professional Skills Jonathan Poland

Professional Skills

Professional skills are a combination of talents, abilities, knowledge, and character traits that are necessary for a person to be…

Customer Need Examples Jonathan Poland

Customer Need Examples

Customer needs refer to the specific desires or requirements that a customer has for a product or service. These needs…

Qualified Small Business Stock (QSBS) Jonathan Poland

Qualified Small Business Stock (QSBS)

Qualified Small Business Stock (QSBS) refers to a special classification of stock in the United States that offers significant tax…

Specifications Jonathan Poland


A specification is a detailed description of the requirements or procedures that are necessary to implement or carry out a…

What is a Business Model? Jonathan Poland

What is a Business Model?

A business model is a plan or framework that outlines how a business intends to generate revenue and profit. It…

Crypto Jonathan Poland


There are these new things in the world called crypto-currencies. You’ve definitely heard about them by now. The most famous…

Expectancy Theory Jonathan Poland

Expectancy Theory

Expectancy theory is a motivational concept that suggests people are motivated by their beliefs about the relationship between their efforts…

Maintainability Jonathan Poland


Maintainability refers to the relative ease and cost of maintaining an entity over its lifetime, including fixing, updating, extending, operating,…

Personal Data Jonathan Poland

Personal Data

Personal data is any information that can be used to identify an individual, including their name, date of birth, address,…

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business, finance, and capital markets.

What is a One Stop Shop? Jonathan Poland

What is a One Stop Shop?

A one stop shop is a business that offers a wide range of products and services from a single location,…

Performance Goals Jonathan Poland

Performance Goals

Performance goals are targets or objectives that are set for an employee’s work, typically in collaboration with their manager. These…

Brand Status Jonathan Poland

Brand Status

Brand status refers to the social standing that is associated with a particular brand. Customers may use brands as a…

Demand Generation Jonathan Poland

Demand Generation

Demand generation is any marketing or sales activity designed to create recognition, awareness and interest in a firm’s brand and…

Design Thinking Jonathan Poland

Design Thinking

Design thinking is a process that uses design principles and techniques to solve complex problems, create new ideas, and develop…

Human Capital Jonathan Poland

Human Capital

Human capital refers to the future productive potential of people, which is often difficult to estimate directly. Instead, it is…

Compliance Risk Jonathan Poland

Compliance Risk

Compliance risk refers to the risk that an organization may face as a result of not complying with laws, regulations,…

User Story Jonathan Poland

User Story

A user story is a concise description of a specific expectation or need that a user has for a product,…

Project Failure Jonathan Poland

Project Failure

A project is considered a failure when it does not meet the expectations of sponsors and other key stakeholders. This…