Travel expenses refer to the costs associated with traveling for business purposes. This can include expenses such as airfare, hotel accommodations, meals, and transportation costs. These expenses are typically considered to be business costs, as they are incurred in the process of conducting business. Businesses may be able to claim tax deductions for certain travel expenses.
The following are common types of travel expenses:
- Administration Fees
- Baggage Charges
- Cleaning & Laundry
- Communication Expenses
- Delivery Costs
- Equipment Rental
- Event Fees
- Facility Rental (e.g. Meeting Rooms)
- Incidental Expenses
- Lodging Expenses
- Meals
- Parking Fees
- Rental Vehicles
- Transportation Services (e.g. Taxis)
- Travel Fares
- Travel Insurance
- Vehicle Maintenance Costs
- Vehicle Operation Costs