Marketing Media

Marketing Media

Marketing Media Jonathan Poland

Marketing media refers to the channels or platforms that businesses use to deliver their marketing messages to their target audiences. Marketing media can include traditional channels, such as print and broadcast media, as well as digital channels, such as social media and online advertising. The choice of marketing media will depend on the business’s target audience, budget, and goals. For example, a business targeting young consumers might use social media as its primary marketing media, while a business targeting a more general audience might use a combination of print, broadcast, and online media. The following are common examples.

Digital Media
Digital media is a broad term for any media delivered to an electronic device such as a mobile phone. This allows for precise targeting of advertising and promotion.

  • Apps
  • Digital Billboards
  • Games
  • Social Media
  • Streaming
  • Media
  • Websites

Broadcast Media
Media that reaches a large audience without being customized for each audience member.

  • Radio
  • Television

Physically printed media that has its own audience.

  • Journals
  • Magazines
  • Newspapers
  • Periodicals

Outdoor Media
Physical things in the real world that can be used to communicate.

  • Billboards
  • Commercial Art
  • Construction Advertising
  • Posters
  • Signs
  • Transport Advertising

Direct Message
Sending message directly to a customer.

  • Digital Direct Message (DM)
  • Direct Mail
  • Email
  • Newsletters

Person to Person
Direct conversations with customers.

  • Direct Sales
  • Sales Meetings
  • Telemarketing
  • Word of Mouth

In-store Media
Retail locations and showrooms.

  • Merchandising Displays
  • Point of Sale Display
  • Product Packaging
  • Store Windows

Communicating marketing messages at events.

  • Event Signage
  • Event Sponsorship
  • Public Speaking
  • Sales Booths

Marketing Collateral
Marketing collateral are knowledge artifacts, printed media and small gifts that are given to customers.

  • Brochures
  • Catalogs
  • Corporate Magazines
  • Presentations
  • Promotional Products
  • White Papers

Product Placement
References to a product or brand in any media that has an audience. In addition to this, logos on the product itself can be a form of media, particularly where it is worn by celebrities or other influencers.

  • Films
  • Media Influencers
  • Music Videos
  • Sponsorships
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